Tag Archive for Jiu-Jitsu

Quincy Has Its First Pro Mixed Martial Arts Fighter

Edson Penado Winning His First Professional MMA Fight at The Point Casino in Kingston WA, on September 24th, 2016On Saturday, September 24th, 2016, Edson Penado won his first Professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fight at The Point Casino in Kingston, WA.  Before and after stepping into the cage, Edson displayed happiness, positivity, gratitude and humility toward everyone around him, especially his opponent, Jake Blaski.  Anyone who knows Edson understands that Saturday was one of his dreams coming true. Read more

Congrats to Jorge, Lalo, Devon, Chase & Orlando on earning their stripes

Congrats to Jorge, Lalo, Devon, Chase & Orlando on earning their stripes from Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Labor Day Weekend at Quincy BJJ

Labor Day Weekend BJJ. The schedule for our classes this weekend will be as follows:  Friday, 9/2  6PM-8PM (Gi): Jimmy Thompson & Rollo May Saturday, 9/3 10AM-12PM (Gi): Coachs’ Favorite Techniques 1PM-5PM: Potluck at the Seda's home Sunday, 9/4  1PM-3PM (No-Gi)

Congratulations to Francisco, Alex, Alexis & Junior

Congratulations to Francisco, Alex, Alexis & Junior on earning another stripe from Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

Congratulations to Francisco, Alex, Alexis and Junior on earning another stripe from Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Congrats to Luke & Hunter on getting striped

Congrats to Luke & Hunter on getting striped

Congrats to Jayden and Juan on their promotions

Congrats to Jayden (Purple-belt) and Juan (3rd stripe) on their promotions

Congrats to Jayden (Purple-belt) and Juan (3rd stripe) on their promotions

Congratulations to Joe Westby on Getting Striped!

Congratulations to Joe Westby on Getting Striped!

Congrats to Junior and Francisco on getting their first stripe

2016-06-06 19.32.58

The NEW Mats are in

After nearly a year of fundraising for mats and planning, we’ve finally moved to the Quincy Rec Center at 105 2nd Ave SE, Quincy, WA 98848.  Here’s a few photos from our first class:

Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu New Mats and New Location at 105 2nd Ave SE, Quincy Quincy BJJ New Mats and New Location at 105 2nd Ave SE, Quincy, Washington QBJJ New Mats and New Location at 105 2nd Ave SE, Quincy Washington Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu New Mats and New Location at 105 2nd Ave SE, Quincy, WA 98848 in Grant County

Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Raises Enough Money for Mats!

Jeremy Seda receiving a check from Russ Harrington to finalize the fund-raising for Quincy BJJ's mat purchase.

Jeremy Seda receiving a check from Russ Harrington to finalize the fund-raising for Quincy BJJ’s mat purchase.

With the help of the City of Quincy/Quincy Rec. Dept. matching our raised funds, Quincy BJJ finally has raised enough money to pay for a new set of Dollamur mats.  Once the mats are delivered, the Quincy BJJ program will be conducting classes at the Q-town Rec. Center at 105 2nd Ave. SE.

While there’s a big part of us that is excited for this evolution of the program, we will miss the Quincy High School Wrestling Room, the place we had been blessed to “call home” since January of 2012. Quincy BJJ founder, Jeremy Seda said, “when I first moved to Quincy, I remember what my coach, Jimmy Thompson, said to me, ‘if you can’t find a school to train at, then you start your own.’ I would pray all the time for a way to continue my training in BJJ and possibly start my own school.  God then led me to Russ Harrington who thought of contacting Quincy HS Wrestling Coach, Greg Martinez.

Greg Martinez getting his blue belt on 3/12/13.

Greg Martinez getting his blue belt on 3/12/13.

Without ever meeting Greg before, it took 5 minutes for us to hit it off and the rest [they say] is history.  I’m still amazed to this day that Greg opened the mats up to our program, but not the least bit surprised, as he’s not just passionate for wrestling, he’s passionate for the grappling arts.”

Since the early days of Quincy BJJ, when Jeremy was a blue-belt and often held classes with 1-2 students, the program has grown and expanded to a great number of youth and adult students with different backgrounds in grappling.
Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Raises Enough Money for Mats
“We have students that drive hours to make our classes. It’s a huge compliment, but a huge responsibility to continually innovate and see the program evolve. To say this whole journey has been a dream would be an understatement, it’s been a surreal blessing from the Almightly. Ever since my first meeting with Russ, he’d talk about the dream of a ‘Rec. Center’.  It’s been nice to know that Quincy BJJ has been a part of his dream.  We’ve always had the support of the City through Russ, but when he secured the additional funding needed to make the mat purchase, it was a huge feeling of relief,” said Jeremy.

We’d like to give special recognition to Christan Seda for being the one who spearheaded the

Congratulations to Alexis on her first stripe

Christan Seda, Alexis and Jeremy Seda

fundraising and organized the mat purchase.  Through her efforts, Quincy BJJ was able to get several large donations from Connect Telecom (via Shawn and Chesiree Highfill), Flame Productions (via Lalo Ortiz) and Itanji, L.L.C.  We had a very generous donation and support from Jeremy’s home school, T-Town MMA.  And we’ve been very blessed to have the talent of Jeff Bourgeois and Oscar Garnica to help us with fund-raising seminars.  Last, but not least, we appreciate all the time, money and support of our family and friends. And we thank our students for the same reasons, but also for making our school what it is; we could not have a school without you.