Archive for General

TRUTH from Bruce Lee

I don't fear the man who has practiced 1,000 techniques once, I fear the man who's practiced one technique 1,000 times.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Youth Summer Camp, July 9th – 13th

Quincy BJJ will be hosting a Summer Camp for Youth, ages 6-17 on Monday, July 9th to Friday, July 13th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Quincy High School Wrestling Room.  I encourage anyone to register, whether you are new to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or are a regular attendee for our classes.  You can register on the QTown Rec web site at:

Cost is $40 as we are cramming about a month of material into one week!

Rolling for Cancer Survivors

Come checkout Quincy’s first Relay for Life tonight at 6 p.m. I’ll be rolling out some dollamur mats for my team to spar/roll for 14 hours!

Nobody Ever Tells White Belts This…

Nobody Ever Tells White Belts This...

Cheap Therapy

Tonight was a useful lesson…While working submissions and escapes from North South is important, I think a bigger achievement was learning/emphasizing how Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is really cheap therapy.  When you’re sparring/rolling, it doesn’t matter what put you in a bad mood before class or what’s going to “waiting for you at the door” when you leave class.  No, what matters is that 3-5 minutes of rolling.  As simple as that may sound, it’s a beautiful thing to be able to clear your mind and truly focus on only one immediate thing in your life that you enjoy doing.  There’s no way to avoid putting everything aside to focus on the physical chess match in front, on your back, on top and sometimes, all around you.  I’ve been through breakups, stress from work, financial issues, family issues, etc., etc., etc., and other than talking to God, BJJ has been the only thing to calm my nerves and make me whole again, until the next time I get on the mats.

A special thanks to Joe and Andrea tonight for making me laugh!

Joe, Jeremy & Andrea

The two that crack me up in the most serious of moments


Guest Instructor for Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Scheduled on Sunday, 04/15/2012

T-Town MMA’s Jesse McLaughlin will back in town to instruct Quincy BJJ’s Adult class from 2:30 – 4:00.

03/04/2012 Special Guest Adult Class

Sunday, 03/04/2012, Class Schedule

Sunday’s Youth BJJ class is cancelled to maximize time for the Adult BJJ students who are training for the upcoming 3.17 Revolution Tournament.  We also want to give more time to our guest instructor and participants for a 1:30-3:30 class.  Get ready for some fun and intense rolling this Sunday!

It’s Decided…Quincy BJJ will be attending the Revolution in March!

As students are picking things up more quickly than anticipated, I mentioned the upcoming Revolution and was shocked to hear how many people in the class are interested and ready to put their skills to the test.  So Quincy BJJ will have a presence in the March Revolution!

Classes are starting to Gel!

As we start our third week of BJJ classes, I find students are getting accustomed to the foundations & basics and are starting to emphasize key concepts like reducing space, keeping their hands full and continuing motion (not letting an opponent settle in).  I didn’t think we’d be ready to represent at the March Revolution, but my students are proving me wrong.  I need only to convince a few of them to help represent and acquire the tournament experience that always helps a student grow by applying their techniques in real-life, full-throttle experiences.  So I do expect to have a presence of Quincy BJJ at the Revolution in March!