Congratulations to Trytan on earning his Yellow Belt!

Congratulations to Trytan on earning his Yellow Belt!

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Congratulations to Ethan and Kaiden on their first stripes!

Congratulations to Ethan and Kaiden on their first stripes!

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Response to Caio Terra’s BJJ Journey Video

I can’t help but get choked up a bit by that video. The message is pretty solid and can’t agree more with what Caio said.

Humility is something we ALL can take away from BJJ. While a belt, medals, etc., are all nice rewards for dedication, passion and hard work in the sport, an important aspect is what kind of person are you at the end of the day. Are you a Purple-belt kind of person? Do you have first-place character? When we shine the light of relativity and comparison on other areas of our lives, do we then realize that while we are strong in certain areas, we may be lacking in others.

I can’t help but tie this back into my faith. I have made it a habit not to judge others on the right or wrong-doings of their lives, because we all suck pretty bad in comparison to Jesus. Furthermore, I don’t have time or energy to worry about how anyone else lives their life, because I have too many things I’m trying to correct with my own life. Like BJJ, If someone needs guidance, then I give it to them, but always with the humility that I’m no where I need or want to be. I’ve never heard someone in BJJ say, “I did it, I’m finally where I’ve always wanted to be, I’m done.” Yet, there are Christians who feel this way, and my thinking is that they need something better to relate to than their neighbor; they need BJJ! 😉

Favorite Moves From Quincy BJJ Students

Unveiling the New Quincy BJJ Logo

Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Big Bend Community College Health & Safety Fair Self-Defense Seminar

Here are some photos from Self-Defense Seminar that Coach Jeremy & Christan presented with Luis Alvarez at the Big Bend Community College Health & Safety Fair:

Congratulations to Tucker on Getting His First Stripe!

Congratulations to Tucker getting his first stripe from Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Congratulations to Tucker getting his first stripe from Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Congratulations to Jenny, Makenzie & Boden on getting striped!

Congratulations to Jenny, Makenzie & Boden on getting striped by Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

Congratulations to Jenny, Makenzie & Boden on getting striped!

Congratulations to Jenny, Makenzie & Boden on getting striped by Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!

Big Classes!

Big Classes at Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Loving the big classes we have been having!  Thank you all for sharing the BJJ passion with us and helping us all progress as coaches and students alike!

FIGHT CHURCH Official Documentary Trailer

There’s not a ton of movies that I’m excited to see, but this one is definitely got me freaking out!  We may have to do a class fieldtrip to see this when it comes out!