Archive for July 2012

TRUTH from Bruce Lee

I don't fear the man who has practiced 1,000 techniques once, I fear the man who's practiced one technique 1,000 times.

Jeremy Seda takes 2nd at the Revolution

On July 7th, Jeremy Seda took 2nd in the 181-194.5 lb. Master Blue Belt division of the Revolution.  Jeremy lost by points in his last match to Kris Johnson of Edmonds Gracie Barra.  If you weren’t there to see it, you missed a heck of a match:

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Youth Summer Camp, July 9th – 13th

Quincy BJJ will be hosting a Summer Camp for Youth, ages 6-17 on Monday, July 9th to Friday, July 13th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Quincy High School Wrestling Room.  I encourage anyone to register, whether you are new to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or are a regular attendee for our classes.  You can register on the QTown Rec web site at:

Cost is $40 as we are cramming about a month of material into one week!